Tuesday, September 04, 2007

June 11, 2006

They say that time flies when you're having fun. I am convinced though that it flies at supersonic speeds when you have a little one growing up. In no time at all my precious baby has grown into a little boy. He is done with first grade and just last week had his very first baseball game. The baseball game was so much fun. He is playing in a coach pitch league. They get 4 pitches from the coach and if they don't hit it then they bring out the tee. Nate's first at bat was great. He got a good pitch and made quite the connection; the ball landed in right center field. He also got to field the ball from the pitchers mound that inning. The second inning he played 1st base and ended up taking a pretty hard hit ball to the face (it left the imprint of the stitches on his cheek). At the end of the inning he ended up in a three way collision at home plate. That one resulted in a cleat to the head/ear and some tears. His last at bat was a dribbler down the first base line, which he beat out. Way to go Nate! You can see some more pictures on Nate's page and in the photo albums.We do have a busy next couple of weeks ahead. We had the pleasure of a surprise visit yesterday 6/10 from my Aunt & Uncle from Ohio along with my cousin and her husband. They are on a road trip and passed through Topeka. We had a great visit and enjoyed seeing them. Pictures can be seen in the photo album.Monday and Tuesday this week will bring our friends Boyd, Cassandra and Natalie from Oregon. We are so looking forward to reconnecting with them. Of course as soon as we get them pictures will be posted in the photo albums.Friday this week Grandpa Spiess comes into town and we will spend Father's Day weekend with him. Then on Monday Grandma Spiess and Uncle Tommy will join us after their trip to D.C. and Ohio. After that Nate will join Grandma & Grandpa on their trip back to California - he will spend 5 weeks there (as long as Mommy can let him be gone that long . . . ) Daddy and Mommy will have some time alone and the big question right now is what will we do?!?!What is happening with our adoption? Right now we are waiting . . . and waiting . . . and waiting. Our home study is being written up and we are waiting for the first draft of that to come through for proofing. We are hopeful that we will have the documents certified and authenticated, the I-171 in hand and the finances in place to submit our dossier at the end of August . . . we will see. Our agency will hopefully be receiving a new set of special needs referrals at the end of this month and making some calls early in July. We are hopeful that our sweet daughter will be in this next group. If she is in this next group our dream of being home from China before Christmas could actually come true!! What a special Christmas blessing that would be - not unlike another Christmas blessing we received in 1998 (that would be the birth of Nate). Mackenzie my dear - we are working hard to get to you soon. We cannot wait to see your beautiful face and hold you in our arms. Hold tight little one and before you know it we will all be together. We are praying for you every night! We love you!~T

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